Monday, April 2, 2007

Weird day

Slept well last night after watching "Stranger Than Fiction." Wil Ferrell was in a new light, which was interesting. Makes you contemplate your life...where you're at...where you are headed, you know?

Had to work at the ceramics studio today. I was actually very productive...I blew through a 25 lb. bag of clay in less than 2 hours. So I'm feeling good about that. Maybe I had too much coffee. Hence, the weirdness. I know too, what is missing. My soul sister (utter cheese, I know), Clare, has moved her little hippy ass back down to Asheville, NC. She's the kind of cerebral/spiritual/connected person who you can totally impress you with an immense vocabulary and intellectual converstions...describing her favorite writers and musicians, explaining the herbal remedy for foot pain and sharing how she aligns her chakras. On the other hand, she is incredibly comfortable when describing (still with an impressive vocab) her last experience on the toilet. I love that. We burp, think, fart, roast, eat, and laugh our asses off when we're together. I am planning on heading down there during April break -- just trying to connect with Dave and Brandy on the days we will be down there. Can't wait to see that face of hers and sink into the comfort and ease of her presence.

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