Sunday, May 27, 2007

Teacher Talent Show

I thought I was "tech savvy" enough to get this video directly on a post...oh well.

Check out www.youtubecom/watch?v=xv0xXNJY9EA


PS- I'm the one with the vest (oh, and the only female)

1 comment:

Tristan said...

Nice! That's some impressive choreography! :)

So here's the trick to embedding YouTube videos: In the Edit Post screen, click on the "Edit HTML" tab next to the "Compose" tab. Then just paste the tagging from the "Embed" field on the YouTube page there. You can click back to the Compose tab to finish composing it, and the video will appear like a broken link in that window, but should appear once you publish it.

Good luck!

Down to your last couple weeks now, eh? Where are you on the totally-geeked/totally-freaked scale at the moment? :)
