Just returned from a crazy 6 day all-Ireland trek with Paddywagon tours. We started off in Dublin...actually just returned back here today. Shit...where to start. Well, since the clock is running in the ol' internet cafe...I'll just list some of the highlights (pictures to follow...promise!)
1. serenaded by a 50 year-old drunken derryman...oh, did i mention, he yodeled too!
2. kissed the blarney stone...yeah, yeah...such a touristy thing to do, I know. probably the most germ infested rock in the world.
3. sang mj's "Beat It" karaoke style in a pub in Annascoul
4. realized sleeping in 16 bed hostels = at least 3-5 incredibly loud snorers
5. imbibed copious amounts of Guinness, which then drastically decreased the above equation
6. drank a pint of the black stuff up at Gravity Bar at the brewery...the absolute best pint in the world
7. checked out a mural up in Belfast displaying Bush's complete stupidity, arrogance and greediness...good to know me and the Irish are on the same page
so many more to write about. no worries...the stories and pictures are on their way...